Preliminary Study. Places for Death: the 20th Century as a Problematic Approach

el siglo XX como enfoque problemático.




Preliminary study of the monographic dossier.


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Author Biographies

David Dal Castello, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina

Architect, graduated by the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Urban Planning of the University of Buenos Aires (FADU-UBA). Doctor in Architecture by the University of Buenos Aires. Specialist and Master in History and Critics of Architecture and Urbanism (MAHCADU FADU - UBA), studies carried out with funding from a UBACyT scholarship. He is a regular associated Professor in History of Architecture, and in History of Industrial Design. He is Principal Researcher at the Instituto de Arte Americano e Investigaciones Estéticas “Mario J. Buschiazzo” (IAA-FADU-UBA). He was editor of the IAA Thesis Book Series. He is member of the Editorial Committee of the Anales del IAA Magazines. He has publications in national and international books and magazines, and has been a speaker at national and international conferences. He currently works in public management as Undersecretary of Research of the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Urban Planning of the University of Buenos Aires (FADU-UBA).

Matías Ruiz Diaz, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina

Architect, graduated from the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Urban Planning of the University of Buenos Aires (FADU-UBA). Ph.D. in History by the University of San Martin. Specialist and Master in History and Critics of Architecture and Urbanism (MAHCADU FADU - UBA). He is an associated Professor in History of Architecture, and in History of Industrial Design. He is Principal Researcher at the Instituto de Arte Americano e Investigaciones Estéticas “Mario J. Buschiazzo” (IAA-FADU-UBA). He was editor of the IAA Thesis Book Series. He has publications in national and international books and magazines. He currently works in public management as Coordinator of the Master's Degree in History and Criticism of Architecture and Urban Planning at the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Urban Planning of the University of Buenos Aires (FADU-UBA).


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Baudrillard, Jean. El intercambio simbólico y la muerte. 1976. Caracas: Monte Ávila Editores, 1993.

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Bohigas, Oriol. “Los cementerios como catálogo de arquitectura.” Revista de Construcción Arquitectura y Urbanismo, no. 17 (1973): 56-65.

Dal Castello, David. La ciudad circular. Espacios y territorios de la muerte en Buenos Aires, 1868-1903. Buenos Aires: Serie Tesis del IAA, 2017.

Dal Castello, David. “Muerte en el Parque. Cementerios de Buenos Aires (1935-1965).” Tesis doctoral, Universidad de Buenos Aires, 2022.

Debray, Régis. Vida y muerte de la imagen. Historia de la mirada en Occidente. Buenos Aires: Paidós, 1994.

Etlin, Richard. The architecture of death. The Transformation of the Cemetery in Eighteenth-Century Paris. Massachusetts: MIT Press, 1984.

Freud, Sigmund. “Consideraciones de actualidad sobre la guerra y la muerte.” En Sigmund Freud Obras Completas. Tomo III. 1915. Buenos Aires: Siglo XXI, 2012.

García Carbonero, Marta. “Espacio, paisaje y rito: formas de sacralización del territorio en el cementerio europeo del siglo XX.” Tesis doctoral, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, 2011.

Gorelik, Adrián. La grilla y el parque: espacio público y cultura urbana en Buenos Aires, 1887-1936. Buenos Aires: Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, 1998.

Hobsbawn, Eric. Historia del siglo XX. 1994. Buenos Aires: Grupo Editorial Planeta, 2005.

Legacey, Erin Marie. Making Space for the Dead: Catacombs, Cemeteries, and the Reimagining of Paris, 1780-1830. Nueva York: Cornell University Press, 2019.

Martínez, Bárbara. “Rituales de la muerte en el sector sur de los valles Calchaquíes.” En Etnografías de la muerte. Rituales, desapariciones, VIH/SIDA y resignificación de la vida, compilado por C. Hidalgo, 87-108. Buenos Aires: CLACSO- Ciccus-FFyL, 2010.

Zapico, Hilda. “Una demostración pública de honor; fama y notabilidad en el Buenos Aires del siglo XVII: las honras fúnebres.” En Patrimonio cultural en cementerios y rituales de la muerte, 613-42. Tomo II. Buenos Aires: Comisión para la preservación del patrimonio histórico cultural de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, 2005.



How to Cite

Dal Castello, David, and Matías Ruiz Diaz. 2023. “Preliminary Study. Places for Death: the 20th Century As a Problematic Approach: El Siglo XX Como Enfoque problemático”. Atrio. Revista De Historia Del Arte, no. 29 (December). Sevilla, España:275-83.



Monographic Dossier