Religion in the Greek novel: An analysis of Xenophon of Ephesus’ Ephesian Tale


  • María del Carmen Portalo Gil de Araujo Estudiante


Xenophon, Ephesian Tale, Ephesus, Greek novel, Religion, procession, sacrifice, oracles


This work focuses on the analysis of the religious component of the Ephesian Tale, a Greek novel written by Xenophon of Ephesus around the second century AD. The study is organised around three main blocks: the procession, the sacrifice and the oracles. Thus, each of the passages in which explicit or implicit reference is made to this type of ritual practice is analysed.

Hence, the main objective of this study is to expose how religion within Xenophon's novel has a fundamental role that influences not only stylistically, but also argumentatively.


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How to Cite

Portalo Gil de Araujo, M. del C. (2022). Religion in the Greek novel: An analysis of Xenophon of Ephesus’ Ephesian Tale. Revista ITÁLICA , (4), 1–22. Retrieved from



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