The first steps of Christianity through the figure of Paul of Tarsus


  • Joaquín Monge Castillero Universidad Pablo de Olavide


faith, Paul of Tarsus, Christianity, Jerusalem, Rome, Jesus


The purpose of this work is to analyse the figure of Paul of Tarsus and the mechanisms and instruments that are carried out for the dissemination of the faith. Paul is the most important character of the origin of Christianity. The Apostle marks a great step both in practice and theory. The conception of the figure of Jesus is directly conditioned by Paul's own perception. In order to better understand these beginnings and their dissemination, the message of Christ is exposed. It spread during the first thirty years of Christianity, from Jerusalem to Rome, the foundation and constitution of the first Christian communities, making his life a long journey through the cities, spreading of the Messiah’s message.


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How to Cite

Monge Castillero, J. . (2022). The first steps of Christianity through the figure of Paul of Tarsus . Revista ITÁLICA , (4), 1–25. Retrieved from



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