The support of the legionaries to the political ambitions of their imperatores during the late Republic


  • Carlos Suárez Cortés Universidad de Zaragoza


Late Republic, legionaries, imperator, civil wars, Caesar


The support provided by legionaries to the political ambitions of their imperatores during the Late Republic was not the product of the appearance of a professional, proletarian, volunteer army. Those legions were still a citizen militia commanded by a representative of the Republic. The imperator possessed legal, traditional and charismatic authority over his troops, establishing in many cases relationships of personal loyalty. However, soldiers did not automatically follow their commanders, but the communication between both parts was essential, with the soldiers always being able to use mutiny to achieve their goals. Therefore, the imperator had to convince his soldiers to support him. In this sense, material motivations (booty, lands, and monetary distributions) coexisted with political ones.


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How to Cite

Suárez Cortés, C. (2023). The support of the legionaries to the political ambitions of their imperatores during the late Republic. Revista ITÁLICA , (5), 1–25. Retrieved from