The concept of divine man in the Judeo-Christian and Greco-Latin traditions

Jesus Christ and Apollonius of Tyana


  • Lucía Palacio Savona Universidad Pablo de Olavide


Theios aner, divine man, Jesus Christ, Apollonius of Tyana


The concept of theios aner or “divine man” is a contemporary category that, in general terms, includes individuals in whom the line that separates the human and the divine is not totally defined. However, there is a wide variety of examples that differ greatly from each other. It is generally acknowledged that the quintessential divine man is Apollonius of Tyana, a Neopythagorian philosopher who lived in the 1st century AD, to whom many miracles and supernatural abilities were attributed. On the other hand, Jesus Christ embodies the prototype of the Judaeo-Christian divine man. Both figures have often been compared, particularly during the conflict between Paganism and early Christianity. In this article, we will examine the differences and similarities between Apollonius and Jesus Christ as the greatest exponents of the concept of the divine man in Greco-Latin and Judaeo-Christian traditions, respectively. Also, we will analyze the adequacy of said comparison, both in the context of the religious confrontation and beyond. For this purpose, we will use two texts as a basis: the Life of Apollonius of Tyana by Philostratus and the Gospel of Mark.


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How to Cite

Palacio Savona, L. (2023). The concept of divine man in the Judeo-Christian and Greco-Latin traditions: Jesus Christ and Apollonius of Tyana. Revista ITÁLICA , (5), 1–22. Retrieved from