The cholera epidemic in the Sevillian countryside in the mid-nineteenth century

Ordinary and extraordinary mortality in Marchena, 1854-1856


  • Gonzalo Alcaide Aguilar klkl
  • Cristina López Tenorio


cholera, mortality, statistics, poverty, hygiene


The present work aims to introduce the reader to the history of Marchena, its past and the diseases that threatened the society in times when there were many difficulties and few resources.

We have investigated the mortality in Marchena in the years 1854, 1855 and 1856, focusing on those caused by the cholera disease. We have elaborated statistical graphs with the data extracted from the Municipal Archive of Marchena, which have led us to verify the repercussion and the consequences of this terrible disease.

Following the content and order of the record cards of the municipal archives of the locality, we have collected up to sixteen data of each deceased person. With the study of these data, we will try to demonstrate that the cholera disease had a higher mortality rate in the poorest municipalities, which can be explained by the fact that hygiene was very bad and the quality of the food was poor, as well as the sanitary control.

As has happened today, the most disadvantaged municipalities have a higher mortality rate, because there is not the same equal access to health care, as is Covid-19, as a result of economic problems.


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How to Cite

Alcaide Aguilar, G., & López Tenorio, C. (2023). The cholera epidemic in the Sevillian countryside in the mid-nineteenth century: Ordinary and extraordinary mortality in Marchena, 1854-1856. Revista ITÁLICA , (5), 1–13. Retrieved from