Imperial cult in Hispania: The divine power of the emperor in Tarraco

The divine power of the emperor in Tarraco


  • Manuel Ruiz Román Universidad Pablo de Olavide


culto imperial, Tarraco, Hispania, religión romana, divinización


The imperial cult is a complex issue that has been treated and studied by traditional historiography, always placing it in the purely political sphere and leaving aside the religious aspect of the event. According to this view, the imperial cult is nothing more than an act of political hypocrisy without any religious connotation. However, our work arises precisely from a different paradigm, which began to be glimpsed in the studies of Hopkins and Price, who for the first time located the imperial cult within the Roman religion. It is for this reason, from the prism of the History of Religions, where our study finds meaning. Thus, we begin by making a theoretical approach to the imperial cult and then study the specific case of the city of Tarraco. Here we have sufficient evidence to indicate that perhaps the imperial cult was not, as has been suggested, a political element directly linked to the greatness and importance of the city, but rather a flexible religious element that was practiced in a wide range. of places in the form of true devotion.


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How to Cite

Ruiz Román, M. (2024). Imperial cult in Hispania: The divine power of the emperor in Tarraco : The divine power of the emperor in Tarraco . Revista ITÁLICA , (6), 1–27. Retrieved from



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