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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • Title, abstract and keywords are included in both English and Spanish.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

General Information

Meldar: International journal of Sephardic studies is an electronic publication that aims to create a forum for the dissemination and exchange of scientific research in the scope of the Sephardic studies from any perspective or methodology.

The journal is presented as an open and plural academic forum that allows researchers from different backgrounds and disciplines to establish a fruitful exchange of the state-of-the-art scientific advances in this field of study.

All submissions must be original and unpublished. They will undergo a scientific review, firstly, by the Editorial Team following the double blind peer review system supported by two reports. In case of discrepancy, the Editor may request a third evaluation.

Scope and approach

Meldar: International journal of Sephardic studies main objective is to support the dissemination of original research results, theoretical studies, reviews, etc. Written contributions are accepted in Spanish and English.

Researchers and professionals working in any academic discipline related to Sephardic studies may publish in this journal: Linguistics, Literature, History, Musicology, Digital Humanities, Folklore, Social and Human Sciences, Codicology, etc. The manuscripts must be original, unpublished, and of relevance, and may not have been presented simultaneously to any other publication. The acceptance for publication implies that the author or authors transfer the copyright to the journal. However, opinions and facts stated in each text are the sole responsibility of their authors, so the Journal is not responsible, in any case, for the credibility and authenticity.

Style sheet for the original manuscripts

Meldar: International journal of Sephardic studies publishes manuscripts referring to the different areas of Sephardic studies, as well as reviews of works on this subject.

The manuscripts must be written in either Spanish or English.

The maximum length of the manuscript will be 80,000 characters (with spaces). Abstracts, keywords, notes, tables, charts, images, and bibliography must be included in that maximum number of characters. No headings or number of pages should appear.

The length of the reviews will be between 6000 and 8000 characters (with spaces).

Meldar: International journal of Sephardic studies does not charge fees for submission of papers, nor fees for the publication.

The reception of originals is open throughout the year. Nevertheless, after September 15th, the editorial team cannot guarantee the inclusion of the proposal in the current issue.

In order to keep pace of the evaluation and editing process, we would like to thank the authors in advance for following the instructions offered in the next section:


Your proposal will be sent digitally through the OJS (Open Journal System) tool that can be found at the following link:

It will be necessary to sign in as an author, and attach a file. The document will be uploaded without identification data, in order to facilitate its submission to external evaluators and guarantee the anonymous evaluation process by two external reviewers through the double blind peer review system. Likewise, it will be necessary to send a second document, which will include the title proposed, full name of the researcher/s, University or Institution, institutional email and the author ORCID profile.

The manuscripts (both articles and reviews) must be submitted following these rules:

  • 1. Word processor format allowed: .doc, .docx (Word) and .odt (OpenOffice), DIN A4 format, with an interlinear space of 1.15 and with 3 cm margins (upper, lower, left and right). The text should be written without word breaks, tabs, or page breaks. The required typeface will be Palatino Linotype at size 12 (except indented citations, footnotes and bibliography), with 0.5 cm first line indentation.


    2. The article title, as well as abstracts and keywords, must appear in Spanish and English, regardless of the language in which the paper is written. Summaries will be titled as Abstract / Abstract (round and bold), and will have a maximum length of 150 words. Under the summaries block, between 4 and 6 descriptors or keywords will be included, under the heading Keywords / Keywords (round, bold), written in lower case (except proper names) and separated by semicolons (;).

  • 3. Subsections must be numbered with the following hierarchical order:

    • 1. Versalitas

      1.1. Bold

      1.1.1. Italic Round

      The titles of the sections and subsections will not be indented. A blank line of separation between the title and the first paragraph of a section will not be left.


    4. Notes will be placed at the end of the page and numbered with consecutive Arabic numerals. In the body of the text, they will be marked with a superscript before the punctuation mark if there is one. Note text should appear in Palatine Linotype 10-point, single-spaced, justified alignment, and 0.5 cm French indentation. There will be no blank line separation between one note and another. The use of notes to indicate complete bibliographic references will be avoided, since these will be included in the body of the text, as indicated below.

  • 5. Citations up to three lines in length (including the third line) will be included in the Text (12 marks) enclosed in low or Latin («»), while high or English () will be used to mark quotations within quotations. Quotations of four or more lines will be separated from the body of the text in a separate paragraph, with a left indent of 1.5 cm. Font size 11 will be used for the quote text, without quotation marks and without first line indentation. The words to be highlighted will be marked in italics and the omissions within the citations will be marked by means of three points in square brackets [...]It is not necessary to indicate the omissions in brackets at the beginning and at the end of the text. When the citations are in a footnote, we will proceed as indicated above, that is, the citations in the body and in the footer receive the same treatment, with the font size of the footnote at foot (10 points).
  • 6. All tables, images, graphics, etc. they must be of sufficient quality to be published. Its inclusion in the text will respond to mere reasons of intelligibility and will be prepared in such a way that they are easily understood, and should be sent in the most common file formats. Tables, drawings, graphs ... will have the reference Fig. Followed by the corresponding Arabic number, two points and a brief descriptive legend in italics letter 10, centered alignment, on the next line of text. All this material will appear inserted in the text in its corresponding place and, in addition, the file will be sent as an attachment in the case of illustrations and images, which must be in .jpg, .gif or .tif format. You cannot reproduce material from other publications unless you are allowed to. If the article is accepted for publication, the author is responsible for obtaining permission to reproduce the images. These must be delivered in high quality digital format (300 dpi). 
  • 7. The bibliographic citation in the body of the text will follow the author-date system: author's last name (s), comma and a space, year of publication; This, in turn, will be separated from the page number by two points and a space, all in parentheses, for example: (Díaz-Mas, 1986: 127)If the work has two authors, they will appear separated by y / and. If the work has more than two authors, et al. If several works are referenced, they will be ordered chronologically and separated by semicolons. If the quotation comprises several pages, the number of the initial and final pages will be given, separated by a hyphen and without space. If the quotation comprises several single pages, the number of each page will be given, separated by commas and space. If reference is made to several works by the same author, they will be ordered from the oldest to the most recent, and separated by commas, without referring to pages. The page number is not included if the reference is to the entire work. If the quote has been taken from a specific page (s), it must be indicated. The use of following and following (s. And ss.) Will be avoided as much as possible. If a word is quoted from a dictionary, it will be done as follows: Author or institution, comma, year of edition handled, colon, v. and the word cited in italics and lowercase: (Nehama, 1977: s. v. meldár). Any reference that appears in the body of the text must also be mentioned in the bibliography at the end of the article and vice versa. References that have not been cited in the body of the text may not be included in the bibliography. At the end of the article, an unnumbered section will be included, titled Bibliographic References or References (12 points, small caps, round, justified alignment). Bibliographic references will have a 1 cm French indentation. Only the works mentioned in the text are cited. Bibliographic data is indicated according to the APA citation style, but using full first names and not just initials, as indicated in the following examples:
  • Book: Surname(s), Name. (year of publication). Title of the book (italics). Place of Publication: Publishing House.
    • Díaz-Mas, Paloma. (1986). Los sefardíes. Historia, lengua y cultura. Barcelona: Riopiedras.
  • Book chapter or conference paper: Surname(s), Name. (year of publication). Title of the book (italics). In Editor(s) , Title of the book (italics) (pp. xx-xx). Place of Publication: Publishing House.
    • Pomeroy, Hilary y Yiacoup, Sizen. (2017). ‘Quitóse paños de siempre’: Clothing and Power in the Sephardi Ballad Tradition. En Elena Romero, Hilary Pomeroy y Shmuel Refael (eds.), Actas del XVIII Congreso de Estudios Sefardíes (pp. 211-222). Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas.
  • Journal Article: Surname(s), Name. (year of publication). Title of the article (italics). Title of the Journal (italics), Volume (Italics) (number), pp-pp.
    • Wagner, Max Leopold. (1909). Los judíos de Levante. Kritischer Rückblick bis 1907. Revue de Dialectologie Romane, 1, 470-506.
  • Articles with a DOI or electronic publicacions  (books, chapters, articles...): Follow the instructions upwards and add: http://DOI code or Retrived from http://URL
    • Studemund-Halévy, Michael (2014). Sintid esta endetcha que quema el corasson. A Judeo-Spanish epic poem in rhyme and meter, lamenting the brutality of invading Russians toward the Jews in Bulgaria. Miscelánea de Estudios Árabes y Hebraicos. Sección Hebreo, 63, 111-129. Retrieved from
  1. Other formal characteristics:
  • Books or articles in press will be marked with (ep) in the place of the year..
  • Bold and underline in the text will be avoided. 
  • Etymon of latin verbs will be marked in versalitas.
  • In general, inverted or English quotation marks (“”) will be used to mark quotations, and single quotation marks ('') will be used to enclose concepts or meanings asd well as quotations inside of quotations.
  • If percentages are indicated, please follow the example between nverted commas: " 56.78% ". In English, points will be used to separate the units in the decimal system (0.8), while in Spanish, commas (0.8) will be used.
  • In relation to spelling, grammar and abbreviations for texts written in Spanish, follow the Real Academia Española y Asociación de Academias de la Lengua Española. (2010). Ortografía de la lengua española. Madrid: Espasa. Retrieved from In English, coherence will be checked in terms of American or British English, supported by Webster or Collins dictionaries, accordingly.

NOTE: If you have any questions about the rules proposed in this style sheet or any problem in its application, contact the Editorial Board at:

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