An unknown Bezes and his work: The Kriminal Detektive (Thessaloniki, 1935)




20th Judeo-Spanish literature, detective fiction, Thessaloniki, Baruch David Bezes, Armando Bezes, Buketo de Pesah


The figure of Baruch David Bezes stands out from the group of publishing houses run by members of the Jewish community in Thessaloniki at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th. Among the numerous books he produced, we find El Buketo de Pesah (1935), consisting of four stories, one of which is El detektive kriminal. The aim of these pages is to analyze this text, whose author is probably the lesser-known son of the printer Armando Bezes, in the light of the contemporary detective literature.


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Author Biography

Doga Filiz Subasi, Yozgat Bozok Üniversitesi

Subaşı, Doğa Filiz, is a professor in the Department of Foreign Languages,
Area of ​​Hispanic Philology, Yozgat Bozok University (Turkey).
Her scientific interests are dedicated to the edition, study and linguistic
and literary analysis of the texts of the Sephardic communities
in the Ottoman Empire, especially in the 20th century.


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How to Cite

García Arévalo, T. M., & Subasi, D. F. (2021). An unknown Bezes and his work: The Kriminal Detektive (Thessaloniki, 1935). Meldar: International Journal of Sephardic Studies , (2), 37–57.


