Translations (from English into Judeo-Spanish), retranslations and original works by the Scottish missionary Alexander Thomson (1820-1899)


  • Daniel Martín González Universidad Complutense de Madrid



Alexander Thomson, Free Church of Scotland, Judeo-Spanish, Constantinople, 19th century, retranslation


The study of the literary production in Judeo-Spanish published in Constantinople in the 19th century has drawn the attention of historians and linguists interested Sephardic research in the last decade (García Moreno, 2013; 2018; 2019). However, previous research had not delved into the analysis of the authorship of all the previously assigned works to the Protestant missionary from the Free Church Scotland, namely, Alexander Thomson (1820-1899). After summarizing the historical and biographical context of this author, this article sheds light into Thomson’s different writing periods, thus detailing the numerous translations and retranslations (from English into Judeo-Spanish) and originally written works ascribed to him in each of these periods and known up to the present time.


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How to Cite

Martín González, D. (2022). Translations (from English into Judeo-Spanish), retranslations and original works by the Scottish missionary Alexander Thomson (1820-1899). Meldar: International Journal of Sephardic Studies , (3), 69–91.


