The «Nation Ponentina» of Venice. Marks of the presence of the Sephardic community in the Ancient Jewish Cemetery of the Lido




Venice, Jewish epigraphy, Jewish heraldry, Funerary poetry


The Sephardic community of Venice left its mark on the culture, literature, and traditions of the Jewish people of the Lagoon. This heritage can also be found in the Ancient Jewish Cemetery of the Lido. Sephardic tombstones are notable not only for their architectural style but also for the Sephardi script, the bilingual epitaphs, and the coats of arms engraved on the stone. The Sephardim were a valuable resource in the Venetian economy and commerce. They also founded a charity fraternity, whose statute was published in 1712 in both Portuguese and Italian. The study of tombstones and historical sources helps us to reconstruct the lives and events of the community members as well as understand important aspects of the literary, artistic, and linguistic culture of the Sephardic Jews in the diaspora.


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How to Cite

Locatelli, S. (2023). The «Nation Ponentina» of Venice. Marks of the presence of the Sephardic community in the Ancient Jewish Cemetery of the Lido. Meldar: International Journal of Sephardic Studies , (4), 91–112.


