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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration).
  • The text complies with the bibliographic and style requirements indicated in the Author guidelines.
  • When submitting a paper to a peer-reviewed journal, make sure your paper does not contain data or metadata (file properties) with your identity.
  • Need help uploading the document? Problems with the platform? If you have any questions or problems, please contact
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in this page.

Author Guidelines

  • Original articles must be uploaded to the OJS platform.
  • The text will be presented single-spaced, with Arial 11 font (app. 2,100 characters per page) in Word, with a maximum length of approximately 9,000 words.
  • Avoid multiple carriage returns between paragraphs as well as between the titles of the different parts of an article and the next or previous paragraph.
  • The submitted articles must present on the first page the representative title of the content of the same, with the mention of the author or authors: name, surname, email and institutional affiliation or place of work. On the second page, the title of the article will be repeated in Spanish and English and all information about the author or authors will be omitted.
  • It is important that, especially in the case of female authors, the first name is written completely. For example: "Cristina Carrasco Bengoa" and NOT "C. Carrasco Bengoa".
  • A summary in Spanish and English will be incorporated, and a maximum of five key words representative of the content of the article, also in Spanish and English. Abstracts in both languages, plus keywords, should not exceed 360 words.
  • Articles will be written in non-sexist language.
  • The charts, graphs, tables and maps that are included must be integrated into the text, properly ordered by type with identification of their sources of origin. Your titles will be appropriate and expressive of the content. All of them must also be sent independently in RTF and EXCEL formats. The files with the basic data must be attached to the graphics. For decimals, the comma ( ",") will always be used.
  • The mathematical formulas will be numbered when the author considers it appropriate, with Arabic numerals, between square brackets to the right of them.
  • Textual citations within the text should be highlighted in quotation marks. If they are long (more than two lines) they go outside the text, justified with a larger margin. As an example:
  • In all cases, straight quotes ("text between quotes") and not typographical quotes ("text between quotes") will always be used.
  • The notes will be located at the bottom of the page and must be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals (in Arial size 11 and single space).
  • If you want to highlight any word or phrase, it should be done in italics, not in bold. Likewise, if any term is expressed in English or another language other than Spanish, it must be in italics.
  • The bibliographical references will be included in the text, indicating the authors' surnames, the date of publication, and the pages if necessary. The APA 7th ed citation format will be followed. ( The final list of bibliographical references will be limited to the works cited. You can consult the complete rules of APA 7th ed. at:
  • The tables will be included in the text and in their corresponding position. In Arial between 8 and 11 (depending on the content), spacing 1, adjusted to the margins. Table number and title at the top of the table, in bold. Font at bottom, font text in italics. Row and column headings in bold (see example). The numbering assigned to the tables will be correlative throughout the entire document.


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