Announcement: New Stage


The Revista de Economía Crítica (REC) begins a new stage in the Universidad Pablo de Olavide (Spain), with its transfer to the scientific journals web of the Universidad Pablo de Olavide (

Since 2003 the Revista de Economía Crítica publishes academic works of theoretical and empirical research on Political Economy from critical, radical and heterodox approaches. Articles by economists and other social scientists on Marxist, post-Keynesian, institutional, ecological, feminist, political economy, political ecology, critical development studies, international economic policy, etc. are welcome. 

This new website coincides with the launching of Issue 37 (first semester 2024), which includes the semi-monograph GLOBALIZATION: AN UPDATED PERSPECTIVE coordinated by Ángel Martínez González-Tablas, available at the new website:

Finally, we would like to thank the Publications Service team at the Pablo de Olavide University for the work carried out during this migration process, as well as all the authors, members of the editorial and scientific committee, reviewers, etc. who collaborate with their excellent scientific contributions to the Revista de Economía Crítica.

Best regards,

REC Editorial Board