La planificación en la política económica del siglo XXI. Esbozo de una alternativa viable.


  • Antonio Sánchez Andrés Universidad de Valencia


Economic policy, Planning, Technical progress


The beginning of the 21st century has been characterized by the eclosion of two crises, the financial crisis of 2008 and the health crisis of 2020, which have introduced serious limits to the maintenance of the economic growth model that appeared in the 1980s. The new economic conditions demand a new type of economy. This article aims to approach the characteristics of a new economic policy structure, which could be pinned down from a critical point of view.In the new situation of uncertainty and of a future conditioned by innovation, a new dimension of economic policy can be planning and, in particular, of an indicative type. This article outlines a new type of planning adapted to the new conditions of the 21st century. For its configuration, real experiences have been used as references, such as those carried out previously in different European countries in the 20th century, but the current Chinese perspective has also been taken into account. At the same time, the theoretical-practical ideas of Mariana Mazucatto, John K. Galbraith or the situational planning approach of Carlos Matus have been explicitly considered.A change in economic policy-making, both in its content and in its structure, is essential in the countries that were once called developed, if they intend to maintain their level of economic activity and the living conditions of their populations. Not addressing such changes will mean an economic crisis in those countries that will negatively consolidate their conditions in the 21st century.


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How to Cite

Sánchez Andrés, Antonio. 2024. “La planificación En La política económica Del Siglo XXI. Esbozo De Una Alternativa Viable”. Revista De Economía Crítica, no. 33 (April):10-24.



Thought, Philosophy and Economic Policy in the 21st Century