Transformative social economy

engagement and social change


  • Eusebio Lasa Altuna


Social Economy, Solidarity Economy, Transformative Social Economy, Transformative Social Innovation, Alternative Development Model


The objective of this article is to theorize about the Transformative Social Economy as a key instrument of social commitment and transformation of society. In addition, it is based on the fact that the Transformative Social Economy is an important part of the Transformative Social Innovation. The methodology used to frame the concept of the Transformative Social Economy is based on the bibliographic review of the literature related to it, especially in the French-speaking current of Social Economy and Social Innovation. Also, it is verified that the Transformative Social Economy, together with other social movements and other transformative dynamics, can have a great capacity to build another alternative socioeconomic model to the current capitalist model. For this, the Social Economy has to unleash all its transformative potential, without falling into a simple superficial pose, and become an important instrument of social change.


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How to Cite

Lasa Altuna, Eusebio. 2024. “Transformative Social Economy: Engagement and Social Change”. Revista De Economía Crítica, no. 34 (April):26-43.