Processes and Transformations in the 4th Industrial Revolution context that fuel equality and healthy environments.


  • Ana María González Ramos
  • Laura Lamolla


work, gender, healthy environment, care


The 4th industrial revolution faces various challenges related to the diversity of the workforce and substantial transformations of their lifestyles, the management of successive crises, and the increasing digitization of global competitiveness dynamics. It all has been held on a work ethic oriented to professional success, and androcentrism focus resulting from work sexual division. In this work we analyse data evolution in Spain and Europe regarding the labour market, health and wellbeing, as well as the labour relations in organisations. Thereby, we try to shed light on the transformations that are needed to avoid gender disarrangement in the current European and Spanish labour market. In this line, we propose what direction should be taken by organisations and public policies to promote healthier environments, considering a gender and care perspective.


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How to Cite

González Ramos, Ana María, and Laura Lamolla. 2024. “Processes and Transformations in the 4th Industrial Revolution Context That Fuel Equality and Healthy Environments”. Revista De Economía Crítica, no. 31 (May):103-20.



Inequalities in the 4th Industrial Revolution