Telework, daily life and gender inequalities in Ibero-America. The experience of the COVID-19 lockdown as a laboratory.


  • Eugenico Actis di Pasquale
  • Marcela Iglesias-Onofrio
  • Sofia Pérez de Guzmán
  • Valentina Viego


Telework, gender inequalities, daily life, COVID-19


The aim of this article is to analyze, from a gender perspective, the perception and assessment of teleworking during the pandemic by women and men residing in various Ibero-American countries. This study is based on the information collected in the Ibero-American Survey on Work and Daily Routines in times of COVID-19 carried out by the Ibero-american Research Network on Work, Gender and Daily Life (TRAGEVIC) during the months of April and May 2020. It is concluded that in all the countries involved in the study, with few significant differences, the massive introduction of telework due to the COVID-19 crisis has tended to accentuate the gender inequalities that previously existed, both in the workplace as in the family environment.


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How to Cite

Actis di Pasquale, Eugenico, Marcela Iglesias-Onofrio, Sofia Pérez de Guzmán, and Valentina Viego. 2024. “Telework, Daily Life and Gender Inequalities in Ibero-America. The Experience of the COVID-19 Lockdown As a Laboratory”. Revista De Economía Crítica, no. 31 (May):44-61.



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