Is the standard economic approach macho?

On how economic protagonism has shifted from the feminine to the masculine and globalised the slave condition of humanity


  • José Manuel Naredo



Economic system, Absolute metaphor of production, Father-Labor, Mother-Earth, Management vs adquisition


Standard economics, as a purportedly scientific discipline, aspires to be neutral and universal. By presupposing that its goal of increasing “production” and “consumption” is good for everyone, it tries to place itself above any consideration of sex, gender, race, belief or the unique condition of individuals. But the ideology underlying such a belief is far from universal, since it is a somewhat singular creation of the human mind whose origin, biases and consequences should be analyzed and relativized. Indeed, humanity managed its administration for millennia without such an approach that ended up shifting the protagonism in the field of economic management from the feminine to the masculine, globalizing the slave condition of humanity and leading to the current crisis of civilization. This text analyzes how this shift came about, considering that identifying the causes of our problems is the first step towards alleviating and curing them. Thus, it ends by reflecting on the possibility of redirecting the current crisis of civilization towards healthier ecological and social futures.


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How to Cite

Naredo, José Manuel. 2024. “Is the Standard Economic Approach Macho? On How Economic Protagonism Has Shifted from the Feminine to the Masculine and Globalised the Slave Condition of Humanity”. Revista De Economía Crítica, no. 38 (December):98-111.