El protocolo de Kyoto: la importancia y limitaciones de un tímido acuerdo


  • Jordi Roca Jusmet UB, Universitat de Barcelona


climatic change, Kyoto protocol, Spanish economy


In this introductory article I analyse the great difficulties in order to achieve effective international agreements for controlling greenhouse emissions and the importance of the Kyoto Protocol, in spite of its great limitations. I analyse the role of the socalled "flexibility mechanisms" of the Protocol and the specific commitment of the European Union. Lastly, I deal with the difficult situation of Spain in relation to its international commitment and, especially, facing the implementation of the European emissions trading directive.


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How to Cite

Roca Jusmet, Jordi. 2021. “El Protocolo De Kyoto: La Importancia Y Limitaciones De Un tímido Acuerdo”. Revista De Economía Crítica, no. 4 (June):5-16. https://upo.es/revistas/index.php/rec/article/view/9323.



Kyoto protocol