Una aproximación a la segregación étnica en España: trayectorias laborales comparadas de la población inmigrante


  • Ramón Alós Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona


immigration, labour market, work career, labour and social integration


Immigration is a recent phenomenon in Spain that, nevertheless, in a few years has acquired considerable dimension. A key question are labour trajectories, by their consequences in terms of employment and social integration in the host society. This text deals with the regularized labour careers of immigrants in Spain, meaning the successive positions in which they are placed in the labour market. The study is carried out from the Continuous Sample of Working Lives, of the Social Security. Although there are few immigrants who count on long careers in Spain, the results allow to consider that a part of them has improved employment status over time (until 2007); improves however tend to be slower than the one of the native population, and always conditioned by factors such as sex, age and studies. The later crisis, nevertheless, puts in question many of the results obtained previously.


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How to Cite

Alós, Ramón. 2021. “Una aproximación a La segregación étnica En España: Trayectorias Laborales Comparadas De La población Inmigrante”. Revista De Economía Crítica, no. 14 (October):107-23. https://upo.es/revistas/index.php/rec/article/view/9783.



Inequalities, gender and labor market