Democracia económica para una salida de la crisis


  • Armando Fernández Steinko Universidad Complutense


This paper tries to actualise the spirit and the strategy of economy democracy seen as a realistic formula for responding to the challenges of the crisis of neoliberalism in a socially and ecologically sustainable way. Its aim is not to maximise economic profits mobilising human creativity and flexibility within a ultra-competitive neoliberal order. It is to force a change of power relations between capital and labour within the (mostly) big firms and within the whole economy. But not only. Historic experience tells us that democratisation of firms and economy is, in the long run, the most realistic formula for assuring even political democracy and for involving citizen y the management of societies as a hole.


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How to Cite

Fernández Steinko, A. (2022). Democracia económica para una salida de la crisis. Revista De Economía Crítica, (16), 144–166. Retrieved from



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