Pensar la transición: enseñanzas y estrategias económico-ecológicas


  • Óscar Carpintero Universidad de Valladolid y Grupo de Investigación Transdisciplinar en Transiciones Socioecológicas (GinTRANS)
  • Jorge Riechman Universidad Autónoma de Madrid y Grupo de Investigación Transdisciplinar en Transiciones Socioecológicas (GinTRANS)


socioecological and socioeconomic transition, sustainability, equality, economic democracy, social metabolism


More than ever, the current situation of multidimensional crisis (economic, ecological and social) requires organizing economic and social life in a different way to move towards an alternative socio-economic model. In order to analyze this transition path to a different economic system, two kinds of issues arise. On the one hand, what lessons should be learned from the theoretical and historical analysis of past socio-ecological and socio-economic transitions, and, second, the specific strategies and policies that could be put in place to start this transition at the present time.


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How to Cite

Carpintero, Óscar, & Riechman, J. (2021). Pensar la transición: enseñanzas y estrategias económico-ecológicas. Revista De Economía Crítica, (16), 45–107. Retrieved from



Thinking the transition (I)