Call for a special monographic


Cuadernos de RES PUBLICA en Derecho y Criminología, is a biannual publication of the Universidad Pablo de Olavide, which disseminates original academic articles focused on the different social phenomena that affect criminal and criminological sciences.

Call for a special monograph for issue 4 of Cuadernos de RES PUBLICA in law and criminology, for the second half of 2024, to be published in June 2024,, entitled ‘Legal-criminological debates on Law 10/2022 of 6 September, also known as the “only yes is yes” law’.

The aim of the special monograph directed by Professors Viviana Caruso, Pastora García, and Esther Pomares Cintas, entitled ‘Legal-criminological debates on the “only yes is yes” law’, is to call on the scientific community, especially researchers in public law and criminology, to propose and bring together academic texts that address, from different approaches, the advances, challenges and different perspectives, in accordance with the following;

Suggested topics of the special monograph on ‘Legal-criminological debates on the “only yes is yes” law’.

  • Conceptual basis and legislative framework of the ‘Just Yes is Yes’ Law.
  • Terminological consensus on sexual assault in the ‘Just Yes is Yes’ Law.
  • Legal disagreements on sexual abuse and sexual assault before and after the ‘Just
  • Yes is Yes’ Law.
  • Conceptual constructs on consent in the ‘only yes is yes’ law.
  • Criminal law and procedural law in the ‘only yes is yes’ law.
  • Harmonisation and European regulations to this effect
  • Action of justice, judicial decision-making and review of proceedings.
  • Victimology. Neuropsychological, neurobiological and forensic aspects.
  • Crime prevention and gender perspectives.
  • Punitivism, penitentiary system and rehabilitation.
  • Free will, cognitive freedom and mental integrity.

Editorial guidelines

Articles should be submitted through the journal's OJS site, at the following link

They must be unpublished, the product of academic research or reflection, and be aimed at observing a problem related to the theme of the call.

They will have a minimum length of 15 and a maximum of 25 pages, including sources and references.

They must be in Microsoft Word format and meet the specifications of the template provided by the journal itself.

The texts will be evaluated in peer-review format, in a double-blind system.