Call for a special monographic


Cuadernos de RES PUBLICA en Derecho y Criminología, is a biannual publication of the Universidad Pablo de Olavide, which disseminates original academic articles focused on the different social phenomena that affect criminal and criminological sciences.

Call for a special monograph for issue 6 of Cuadernos de RES PUBLICA in law and criminology, corresponding to the second half of 2025, to be published in June 2025, entitled ‘Punitive system and penitentiary system in the 21st century. Alternative measures to prison’.

The aim of the special monograph, directed by researchers Santiago Leganés Gómez and Juan Carlos Vegas Aguilar, is to call on the scientific community, especially researchers in public law and criminology, as well as researchers in education and psychology, to propose and bring together academic texts that address, from different approaches, the advances, challenges and different perspectives on the penitentiary system from all possible contexts to be addressed.

This special monograph is of particular interest in the study of violent behaviour that leads to the activation of punitivism as a system and the legal consequences that it unleashes. The prison sentence will be the backbone of this special monograph, attempting to offer an overview where the current and systematic review of the prison sentence converges, together with the projection of alternative measures to imprisonment through the observation of the following topics;

Suggested topics from the special monograph on ‘The Punitive System and the Penitentiary System in the 21st Century. Alternative measures to imprisonment’,

  • The evolution and present-day nature of the prison sentence
  • Permanent revisable imprisonment
  • Jurisdictional control of penal and penitentiary enforcement
  • Prison classification in the 21st century
  • Prison treatment programmes
  • Discharge from prison
  • Conditional release and its types
  • Alternative sentences
  • Alternative measures
  • Restorative justice
  • Mediation in the penitentiary environment
  • Mental and emotional health of the prisoner.
  • Training and educational needs for prisoners.
  • Criminological contexts in prison. Interventive, preventive and social control functions.

Editorial guidelines

Articles should be submitted in the Microsoft Word template provided by the journal at the following link:

Once drafted, they must be submitted through the journal's OJS site, at the link

They must be unpublished, the product of academic research or reflection, and be aimed at observing a problem related to the theme of the call for papers.

They will have a maximum length of 25 pages, including sources and references.

The deadline for submission of originals is 5 May 2025.

The texts will be evaluated in peer-review format, in a double-blind system.