The European Union and the environment

the construction of a legal value




Environmental Policy, Biodiversity, Fisheries, Environment


The European Union develops the environmental policy early in its History. A history that follow the international configuration of the environment as a legal value of the Unión. It’s an example of the general internationalization, as historical phenomenon, of the environmental movement. In this way, what we can define as environmental policy of the European Union. But forward this policy we must add the transversality of the matter, determining other policies, among which energy policy or fisheries policy stands out. In fact, fisheries policy presents one of the greatest advances at an international level, achieving the environmental management of the sea from the perspective of market protection.


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Author Biography

Julio César Muñiz Pérez, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia



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How to Cite

Muñiz Pérez, Julio César. 2023. “The European Union and the Environment: The Construction of a Legal Value”. Cuadernos De RES PUBLICA En Derecho Y criminología, no. 2 (June):122-34.