Violence and sexuality

approach to a historical phenomenon




Sexuality, violence, authoritarianism, morality


The present study aims to examine how different phenomena are interrelated: violence and sexuality. For its realization it is necessary to approach the concepts and their implications in the individual and social existence of humanity; To make the study viable, it focuses on the central period of the 20th Century; examining the idiosyncrasies in Spain and Brazil, because both countries had aspects that seem comparable to us, such as the fact of had living under authoritarian political regimes, with intense influence Christian morality. The tools used have been Discourse Analysis, in its french aspect, which considers language as an organic social construction and the deductive method, as it offers the possibility of appropriating broad and general data to approach specific cases and places. The hypothesis is a marked naturalization of sexual violence in the aforementioned space time, derived from political and cultural (religious) limitations.


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How to Cite

Batista Cordova, Reinaldo. 2023. “Violence and Sexuality: Approach to a Historical Phenomenon”. Cuadernos De RES PUBLICA En Derecho Y criminología, no. 2 (June):33-41.