Hate speech and the protection of fundamental rights.

Analysis of the impact on society and the workplace from a legal perspective


  • Miriam Judit Gómez Romero Universidad Católica de Murcia




Hate crime, Hate speech, Discrimination, Migrants


Hate speech has a discriminatory intention and occurs against groups or people who are in a situation of greater vulnerability compared to the rest, this is the case of migrants, refugees and asylum seekers who systematically suffer this type of behavior. In recent years there has been an increase in hate speech in all spheres of daily life and also in the public sphere. This paper analyzes the legal instruments that exist at the international, regional and national level, focusing on the gaps and barriers that hinder effective protection of the fundamental rights of migrants in Spain. Also the paper analyzes real situations of migrants in Spain and other clear examples of discrimination due to nationality, ethnicity, race or cultural context that may be classified. Paying special attention to the impact of hate speech in the workplace.


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How to Cite

Gómez Romero, Miriam Judit. 2024. “Hate Speech and the Protection of Fundamental rights.: Analysis of the Impact on Society and the Workplace from a Legal Perspective ”. Cuadernos De RES PUBLICA En Derecho Y criminología, no. 3 (March):96-107. https://doi.org/10.46661/respublica.9547.