Neoliberal utopy: Runaway freedom or iron capitalism?


  • José María Seco Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Sevilla, España



trade, capitalism, justice, ideology, globalization


In this study we try to analyse the reason why the mercantile system has invaded our reality and has spread so quickly all over the world. The only social context shared by both, the right wing and the left wing is the mercantile context. There is not any other anthropological sign in the world. Under the aspect of popular capitalism or of iron capitalism, our context nowadays is the capitalist context; the one which has made us consumers and has spread out the taboo sense of money even to the classes who never thought they could own it. For this reason, here we want to insist on the prophetic virtuality of our discourse and in its own Utopian declamation, to understand better why the market has been creating mechanisms of perfect economic organization.


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How to Cite

Seco, J. M. (2021). Neoliberal utopy: Runaway freedom or iron capitalism?. International Journal of Political Thought, 1, 239–255.



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