Psychological war reloaded: cyber-sanctions, Venezuela and geopolitics


  • Silvina M. Romano Instituto de Estudios de América Latina y el Caribe (IEALC), Argentina



psychological warfare, national security, geopolitics, cyber-sanctions, economic sanctions, Venezuela


In the following text we will tackle the geopolitical dimension of economic sanctions, as a key tool of US foreign policy in the frame of a wide range psychological war, ultimately related to the capacities and possibilities of the expansion of neoliberalism. We will focus on economic sanctions against Venezuela and against cyber malicious activities as emblematic cases, posing that in spite of the apparent disconnection between them, both are linked by US geopolitical (geostrategic) interests that are crucial components of the “national security” definition coined by the Cold War foreign policy establishment (public/ private interests) which prevailed until today. Those material interests are guaranteed by the reproduction of an ideology that legitimizes and naturalizes this way of thinking/ making security in a national and mainly in an international level. In this process, mass media, internet and social networks play an essential role.


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How to Cite

Romano, S. M. (2018). Psychological war reloaded: cyber-sanctions, Venezuela and geopolitics. International Journal of Political Thought, 12, 105–124.



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