The impact of the religious order on the political practice in Morocco: the case of the alternation


  • M. Fouad El Achouri Universidad de Meknés, Marruecos
  • Abdelhamid Adnane (trad) Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Sevilla, España



Hassan II, Alternation, Religious Legitimacy, Particularism, Consensus, Political Parties


The culture of consensus, a particularity specific to the Moroccan political culture resulting from the conciliation between two diametrically opposed types of legitimacy (religious and secular), will give the different concepts and tools of political practice and the exercise of power a genuine and unique connotation compared to that known both in political science and constitutional law on the one hand, and in the political practice of Western countries on the other: separation of powers, parliamentary monarchy, constitution, political parties, elections, opposition ... etc. Alternation, as well will not escape from this founding rule on which the specificity of the Moroccan exception is based.


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How to Cite

El Achouri, M. F. ., & Adnane (trad), A. . (2019). The impact of the religious order on the political practice in Morocco: the case of the alternation. International Journal of Political Thought, 13(1), 19–37.



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