“Saint Max” revisited. A defence of Stirner against Marx


  • Valerio D´ Angelo Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid, España




Max Stirner has always been considered a minor thinker in modern political theory. One of the reasons for this oblivion is maybe due to the vitriolic attack that Marx and Engels directed in the long section “San Max” in The German Ideology, where Stirner is described as the quintessence of the idealistic philosopher who ignores the relations of force and power that govern reality, reducing it to a mere representation of consciousness. “Against” Marx and Engels, this paper will defend the thesis according to which Stirner, far from ignoring the material factors of the ideology, reveals the hidden technique of the new liberal governmentality: the transformation of the individual into a believer. The Stirnerian analysis of submission to the sacred as an essential condition for domination will then follow. From there, we will see how, in modern times, the sacred has been reconfigured under the form of new “spectres” that demand obedience from the individual. Finally, I will explore Stirnerian proposal of insurrection as a technique of emancipation from the sacred and, first of all, from the psychological need to believe.


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How to Cite

D´ Angelo, V. . (2021). “Saint Max” revisited. A defence of Stirner against Marx. International Journal of Political Thought, 13(1), 235–255. https://doi.org/10.46661/revintpensampolit.4095



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