Rethinking the concepts of subsumption, surplus value and audience labour in digital capitalism


  • Eduardo Molina Campano Laboratorio de Ideas y Prácticas Políticas (UPO), Sevilla, España



Subsumption, surplus-value, social media, rent, prosumer, audience labour


This article aims to analyze the concept of subsumption in relation to the evolution of labour and surplus value focusing on the so-called audience labour as that constant activity of the users of the digital media and social networks of contemporary capitalism. For some authors this activity directly produces surplus value in abstract and should be considered as productive labour. In the conclusions we try to contribute some ideas to this debate on the issue.


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How to Cite

Molina Campano, E. (2021). Rethinking the concepts of subsumption, surplus value and audience labour in digital capitalism. International Journal of Political Thought, 13(1), 347–361.



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