Pandemic or Pandemics?


  • René Fernando Estévez Abad Universidad de Cuenca, Cuenca, Ecuador



pandemic, ethics, politics, inequality


Covid-19 has caused an unthinkable global impact, far from predictions of recent history of pandemics with less aggressiveness. The months of global health emergency are filled with reflections from ethics, politics, sociology and from techno sciences. Visions and prisms provide descriptions and possible solutions or at least proposals for action. Despite efforts of international organizations, the discussion and dichotomy health versus economy seems to remain in the political power discourse. Pandemic is not only caused by SARSCov2 virus but by thoughtless human acts, the affection to human beings, with a global and indiscriminate scope, but more severe with the most deprived. Other hidden pandemics arise from inequality and discrimination, poor access and limited rights.


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How to Cite

Estévez Abad, R. F. . (2021). Pandemic or Pandemics?. International Journal of Political Thought, 15, 167–186.



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