What Is a Political Ontology?


  • Emmanuel Biset Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina




Ontology, politics, postfoundationalism, deconstruction


In this paper, I am interested in presenting a definition of “political ontology”. To this end, first, I reconstruct W. Connolly’s perspective as a central antecedent of the use of the term ontology in political theory. Second, I systematize under the expression “political ontologies” certain ways in which the relation between ontology and politics is worked out from postfoundationalist political thought. Third, under the expression “ontological politics” I systematize the positions that have worked on the relation between ontology and politics since the ontological turn in anthropology. Finally, recovering what has been analyzed, I present a definition of deconstructive political ontology. The text has, then, two objectives: on the one hand, to systematize the discussions around the syntagm “political ontology”; on the other hand, to provide a specific definition of it


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How to Cite

Biset, E. . (2021). What Is a Political Ontology?. International Journal of Political Thought, 15, 323–346. https://doi.org/10.46661/revintpensampolit.5613



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