Politics against capital. From the classical theory of surplus value to the linguistification of Boris Groys


  • Angelo Narváez León Universidad Católica Raúl Silva Henríquez




Linguistification, Politics, Surplus-value, Marxismo, Marx, Groys


In this article we will analyze one of the multiple paths of Marxist criticism and politics, in which the interpretations of the Marxian theory of surplus value intersect with the possibility of a political derivation of its reading. For them, we will address three major moments of this journey, from the popularization of the classical reading of surplus value, to the emergence of divergent readings within the common frameworks of Marxism to, finally, analyze Boris Groys' hypotheses on the subversion of the linguistic order- representation of the capital-labor contradiction.


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How to Cite

Narváez León, A. (2022). Politics against capital. From the classical theory of surplus value to the linguistification of Boris Groys. International Journal of Political Thought, 16, 579–594. https://doi.org/10.46661/revintpensampolit.5650



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