Lodovico Dolce in the history of feminist ideas


  • Ada Boubara Aristotle University of Thessaloniki




Lodovico Dolce, behaviour, women, married


Lodovico Dolce (1508/ 1510-1568), a humanist and scholar of the 16th century, was among the intellectuals involved in the Querelle des Femmes, during the Renaissance period. His treatise Dialogo di M. Lodovico Dolce della institution delle donne secondo li tre stati, che cadono nella vita humana represents precisely this context. The purpose of this article is, on one hand, to examine and highlight Dolce’s argumentation on the “institution della maritata” set out in the second book of the Dialogo; on the other hand, its aim is to present the suggested female profile and the virtues that a married woman should have in the 16th century society.


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How to Cite

Boubara, A. . (2022). Lodovico Dolce in the history of feminist ideas . International Journal of Political Thought, 16, 149–160. https://doi.org/10.46661/revintpensampolit.6303



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