Cartography of a global epic

The political story of President José Mujica (2010-2015)


  • Gonzalo Sarasqueta Instituto de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales de la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona/ Universidad Católica Argentina



communication, political story, plot, José Mujica, personalization


The interest of this work lies in the narrative that the Uruguayan president José Mujica (2010-2015) built to legitimize himself. To meet this objective, the political story is first conceptualized, then its requirements and functions are identified, and finally its analysis is systematized through five dimensions. The findings of the investigation show that the president displayed a plot linked to cultural transformation, a conflict between citizenship and consumerism, a chronology that connects the present with a horizon of expectations, a personalized symbology and a self-representation that emphasizes reconciliation and sobriety.


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Author Biography

Gonzalo Sarasqueta, Instituto de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales de la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona/ Universidad Católica Argentina

I currently participate as an associate researcher at the Institute of Political and Social Sciences (ICPS) of the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) and the Argentine Catholic University (UCA). In addition, he is Principal Investigator for Argentina in the second wave of the Journalistic Role Performance (JRP) project (2019-2023). My lines of research are linked to political narratives, Latin American social democracy, the media and social networks. In recent years, I have published scientific articles in magazines in Spain (Political Studies Magazine, Politics and Society, Communication and Man, More local power), Colombia (Opera Magazine) and Argentina (Question Magazine). In October 2022, through Biblos Publishing House, the book “Fantasmas de Palacio. Writers of presidential speeches in Latin America”, work in which he participated as co-editor and co-author. I have a degree in Social Communication from the National University of La Plata, I have completed a Master's degree in Journalism between the University of Barcelona and Columbia University, a Master's degree in Political Analysis at the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM), and I have a Doctorate in Political Science , of Administration and International Relations at the Complutense University of Madrid, with an Outstanding Cum Laude. In 2015, I won the International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP) Scholarship from the United States Department of State, and in 2018, I won the first prize in the "PH Day Contest" of the Faculty of Political Sciences of the Complutense University of Madrid.


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Entrevista a Adolfo Garcé, profesor e investigador de la Universidad de la República. Fecha: 10/12/2020

Entrevista a Christian Mirza, ex director del Ministerio de Desarrollo Social (MIDES), profesor e investigador de la Universidad de la República. Fecha: 5/12/2020

Entrevista a Daiana Ferraro, docente e investigadora en Universidad de la República y subdirectora General de Integración y Mercosur (2011-2014). Fecha: 6/12/2020.

Entrevista a Eduardo Fernández, sindicalista y secretario del Partido Socialista (2005-2011). Fecha: 11/12/2020

Entrevista a Matías Ponce, Doctor en Ciencia Política y miembro del equipo comunicacional del gobierno de José Mujica (2010-2015). Fecha: 10/12/2020.

Christian Mirza, ex director del Ministerio de Desarrollo Social (MIDES) y actual investigador



How to Cite

Sarasqueta, G. (2022). Cartography of a global epic: The political story of President José Mujica (2010-2015). International Journal of Political Thought, 17(1), 663–685.



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