VI Encuentros de Pragmática Intercultural, Cognitiva y Social (EPICS VI)

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Dedicated to Pragmatic Perspectives on Language Aggression and Conflict

The research group “Intercultural Studies (English-Spanish): Pragmatic and Discourse Issues” is pleased to announce the upcoming Sixth International Symposium on Intercultural, Cognitive and Social Pragmatics (EPICS VI, after the Spanish acronym for “Encuentros de Pragmática Intercultural, Cognitiva y Social”).

After having addressed issues related to (im)politeness, intercultural pragmatics, interlanguage pragmatics and relevance theory in previous editions, the sixth EPICS Symposium turns its attention to:

“Pragmatic Perspectives on Language Aggression and Conflict”.

EPICS VI aims at providing a forum for practitioners of pragmatics and other related disciplines to present on their latest research. EPICS VI also wishes to create awareness among graduate students of the growing interest in this area of linguistic expertise within the broad field of pragmatics.

Tipo: Congresos, Jornadas, Cursos

Organiza:US / UPO

Fecha de Inicio:12/05/2014

Fecha de Finalización:14/05/2014

Lugar:Facultad de Filología de la Universidad de Sevilla