Seminario 'Developing Cross-Sector Key Performance Indicators for Humanitarian Logistics'

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Laura Rock Kopczak.
Profesora Adjunta de la NYU (New York University)

Abstract: This research used case studies of East African Region field operations of two humanitarian NGOs, combined with interviews conducted at the major (largest) international humanitarian organizations to develop a Balanced Scorecard that can potentially be used to compare logistics strategies and performance, and to drive improvement at these organizations. The results were presented to and enthusiastically received by logistics managers from the participating organizations in May 2015.

12 horas.

Tipo: Conferencias, Mesas Redondas

Organiza:Departamento de Organización de Empresas y Marketing

Fecha de Inicio:18/01/2017

Fecha de Finalización:18/01/2017

Lugar:Edificio 10, seminario 1