'The dye-sensitized solar cell - quo vadis?'

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'The dye-sensitized solar cell - quo vadis?'
Laurence Peter. University of Bath

The Peter group has an established international reputation for its work in a range of fields, most notably semiconductor photoelectrochemistry and dye-sensitized solar cells.
The main focus of our current research is on new routes to low cost solar cells. This work includes preparation of thin semiconductor films by electrodeposition and the study of physical and chemical processes in sensitized nanocrystalline solar cells.

15/03/2011-12.30 horas


Tipo: Congresos, Jornadas, Cursos


Fecha de Inicio:15/03/2011

Fecha de Finalización:15/03/2011

Lugar:Sala de Grados. Edificio 6
