'Integrated data and annotation analysis: GPKB and Bio-SeCo tools'

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Dr. Marco Masseroli, profesor invitado del Politécnico de Milán

16 horas

Biomedical annotations describe in a controlled and computable way the available biomedical knowledge about biomolecular sequences. They are paramount for the biomedical interpretation of biomolecular sequence experimental results. Although mainly publicly available, their dispersion in numerous heterogeneous and distributed data sources hampers their effective use. The Genomic and Proteomic Knowledge Base (GPKB) integrates a great number of such annotations provided by many different data sources and offers an easy-to-use interface for their search. The Bio-SeCo system allows composing multiple search services, including GPKB search queries, in order to support answering complex multi-topic questions, taking into account partial ranking of integrated search results. GPKB and Bio-SeCo will be illustrated and discussed, and their practical use to answer relevant biomedical questions will be illustrated


Tipo: Conferencias, Mesas Redondas


Fecha de Inicio:02/05/2013

Fecha de Finalización:02/05/2013

Lugar:CABD, salón de actos
