The limits of the rural home: nature and violence


  • Carla Riera Universitat de Girona



representation, gender identity, power, nature, female body, woman, literary spaces, Víctor Català


This article studies the literary representation of the spaces that surround the home by analyzing the use of natural images connected to female enclosure. This article aims to analyze the literary representation of the spaces that surround the home through natural images which are used to reflect on female enclosure. Specifically, it investigates how they become symbols of values attributed to women —using Elizabeth Grosz's synthesis — especially in relation to fertility. Notions about power by Michel Foucault are used to analyze how control mechanisms create and manage those bordering spaces. To illustrate it, we examine cases of the female author Víctor Català «drames rurals» —short stories in Catalan published between 1902 and 1930—, where the alteration of certain recurring images makes possible to reflect on the gradation of violence against women. It will prove how tensions between individuals are inscribed in certain natural spaces that go from the orchard to the forest.



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How to Cite

Riera, C. (2021). The limits of the rural home: nature and violence. Ambigua: Revista De Investigaciones Sobre Género Y Estudios Culturales, (8), 19–34.