Aesthetic narratives as a politics of resistance from the Honduran female experience


  • Silvia Gas Universidad Jaume I



women, art, Honduras, femicides, gender identity, violence representation


Honduras is framed in a place of different kinds of violence that prevent the democratic progress of the country. The high rates of criminal violence are attributed to a problem among gangs that persists in a context of poverty and inequality. The resulting effect of this reductionist perspective approached by the State is the implantation of repressive measures towards society, instead of proposing preventive policies. Violences are hierarchized, giving them different values. In this sense, femicides are considered a minor problem. There is a lack of intention on the part of the institutions to solve these practices that favor impunity and affect the personal development of women. The aim is to examine the relationship between the particular Honduran context and the artistic representation of violence against women. The artists, from their condition, experience and reality, establish a political dialogue approached from the aesthetic language as a transforming and resistance act. What are the strategies and narratives used by Honduran artists to highlight violence? For its analysis, the methodology used was based on feminist epistemological approaches that allowed a reflective interpretation of the works proposed by the artists. The results obtained were the perpetuation of the patriarchal system that affects the artistic evolution developed by women. Likewise, the difficulty to make visible hidden reality of violence which remains subject to a pact of silence instigated by the culture of fear that the institutions protect.


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How to Cite

Gas, S. (2020). Aesthetic narratives as a politics of resistance from the Honduran female experience. Ambigua: Revista De Investigaciones Sobre Género Y Estudios Culturales, (7), 131–145.