The Uruguayan gender in dispute between the advance of feminism and the reaction.

the anti-feminist backlash and gender ideology


  • Inés Cortés Licenciada en Ciencia Política



feminism, anti-feminist backlash, speech, critical discourse analysis, gender ideology


This article attempts to expose an overlapping ideological discussion about the conquests of rights related to the gender agenda in contemporary Uruguay. Facing the advance of feminist discourse, attempts are made to make visible in the public arena, media and institutions of great social impact, the speeches belonging to the anti-feminist reaction: the well-known anti-feminist backlash in terms of Faludi (1991). Faced with the concrete discussion about the Primary Sexual Guide, and taking this as a starting point I will show how the anti-feminist reaction speeches never left, they are not in subordinate positions and in fact still being exercised from places of great social power as is the Catholic Church and the media, both areas where the listening conditions of the interlocutors are often «forced». Finally, it is interesting how these actors refer to issues related to feminism and the so-called “new rights agenda” with the term gender ideology, and the attempt to “demonize” these movements.


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How to Cite

Cortés, I. (2020). The Uruguayan gender in dispute between the advance of feminism and the reaction.: the anti-feminist backlash and gender ideology. Ambigua: Revista De Investigaciones Sobre Género Y Estudios Culturales, (7), 249–266.