Dacia Maraini: Abused children and silenced mothers


  • Begoña González Rodríguez Universidad de Sevilla




Dacia Maraini, mothers, children, harassment, sexual abuse, violence, women


Dacia Maraini has moved to her works the harsh reality of many children who live trapped in the networks of men who comment on them sexual abuse and with whom they share their day to day. Indirectly, the mothers of these children are also prisoners of such violence by their partners. This work aims to analyze through four stories of Dacia Maraini, the role of mothers in the sexual abuse of their children. Whether they are accomplice, or they confront abusers standing up for their children, mothers carry the burden of guilt, which sometimes means the destruction of their own lives.


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How to Cite

González Rodríguez , B. . (2020). Dacia Maraini: Abused children and silenced mothers. Ambigua: Revista De Investigaciones Sobre Género Y Estudios Culturales, (7), 185–197. https://doi.org/10.46661/ambigua.5302