Everyday borders: intersections of exclusion and resistance settings in a migration experience from South America


  • Marina Calderón García




migration, gender, symbolic border, exclusion, agency, intersectional feminism, South America


The purpose of this paper is to reflect on everyday settings as generators of social exclusion in migrant contexts. At the same time on those experiences, migrant people create resistance strategies, develop agency and contribute to social transformations through individual and collective actions. International borders are able to sort legitimated or illegitimated people who have different access to citizenship rights. However, it is in everyday interaction where symbolic borders appear, hindering migrant integration. Even more evident for migrant women. We will expose Gladys’ experience as a case of migration from Peru to Spain to illustrate our argument. We will discuss about the social settings she is allowed to participate and how symbolic borders are generated and modify the relationships between people in those spaces. From an intersectional perspective, these boundaries collude to push migrant people, particularly women, towards social exclusion and isolation. But otherwise, they could lead to creating resistance and agentive action. Specifically, in Gladys’ case as a caregiver, her experience fluctuates between being considered expendable workforce and, at the same time, being a fundamental part of the economic and social system. This tension is solved through political activism and the reconfiguration of roles and practices. In this way, the case invites us to rethink privilege and power as dynamic processes and also to reflect on individual agency, but community agency as well, as a main engine of political and social transformation.


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How to Cite

Calderón García, M. (2021). Everyday borders: intersections of exclusion and resistance settings in a migration experience from South America. Ambigua: Revista De Investigaciones Sobre Género Y Estudios Culturales, (8), 64–84. https://doi.org/10.46661/ambigua.6077