La masculinidad en Gigante (George Stevens, 1956): el hombre a través de la música de Dimitri Tiomkin


  • Lucía Pérez García Universidad de Sevilla



Hombre, Masculinidad, Cine, Música de cine, Dimitri Tiomkin, Gigante


Despite its dramatic weight, Giant (George Stevens, 1956) has been included from the beginning in the western genre. Among the elements that characterize it as such is the figure of man in its multiple facets: cowboy, landowner, renegade, soldier, doctor. Each of them is defined narrative and visually through cinematographic resources, with more or less attachment to the conventions of the genre. But none of those descriptions is complete without the music, which ends up modeling every detail of the characters' personalities, showing the true reality of the different masculinities existing on screen and, somehow, beyond it. By using specific tools of analysis of film music, complemented with archival material, we describe and confront the different forms of masculinity typical of the western genre, demonstrating the ability of music and composer Dimitri Tiomkin to build stereotypes that, in many cases, surpass the myth.


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How to Cite

Pérez García, L. (2022). La masculinidad en Gigante (George Stevens, 1956): el hombre a través de la música de Dimitri Tiomkin. Ambigua: Revista De Investigaciones Sobre Género Y Estudios Culturales, (9), 5–21.