Moses Harman, el hombre que defendió Voltairine De Cleyre en Esclavitud Sexual




In this article we will look at the figure of Moses Harman, born in 1830, and his role in the essay Sex Slavery, written by the anarchist and feminist Voltairine de Cleyre in 1890. Harman was a teacher and editor of the newspaper Lucifer the Lightbearer, and a lifelong fighter for women's rights. He is considered one of the forerunners of the feminist movement in the United States and, together with his daughter Lilliam, formed a neo-Malthusianist group in Chicago that proposed the need for conscious procreation of the proletariat or free motherhood, among other demands. He was imprisoned on several occasions for the crime of obscenity under the Comstock Laws. The importance of this study lies in highlighting the personality of Harman, who, against the hegemonic masculinity of the time and the context in which he lived, fought to the death in favour of women and their liberation. This is not a trivial issue, since, as Voltairine De Cleyre herself recalls, even among fellow anarchists this was not a common attitude.


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How to Cite

Martín Sánchez, D. (2022). Moses Harman, el hombre que defendió Voltairine De Cleyre en Esclavitud Sexual. Ambigua: Revista De Investigaciones Sobre Género Y Estudios Culturales, (9), 71–87.