Militancy of popular feminism in the theater from the Argentinian Northwest region (2015-2020).




theatre, performance, popular feminism, militancy, Argentine Northwest


This article analyzes militancy of popular feminism extended in the theater from the Argentinian Northwest region between the years 2015 to 2020, in the mass contexto of movilizations against gender violence of Ni Una Menos and and the fight for legal, safe and free abortion. The militancy are an exercise in participation and collective organization in whose politicization the empowered people become aware of the need to act to reverse the situation of social inequality (Selci, 2018). In this period developed a powerfull multiplication of popular feminist militancy in
at least three áreas of theatrical action: 1. Performance of demonstrations, 2. Institutional management in theater (public and independent), 3. Performances of plays. This writing stops especially in the second field of action, linking
institutional militancy and independent theater. 


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How to Cite

Rosenzvaig, M. (2023). Militancy of popular feminism in the theater from the Argentinian Northwest region (2015-2020). Ambigua: Revista De Investigaciones Sobre Género Y Estudios Culturales, (10), 22–34.