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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • For any questions or difficulties with the platform contact us at
  • Need help with uploading your text? Click here to learn more information on how to upload an article on this platform
  • The article has not been previously published or submitted to other academic journals.
  • The text fulfills the bibliography and style requirements indicated in the guidelines for authors.
  • To submit a text to a peer-reviewed journal you must follow the instructions listed in "Ensure a blind peer-review" in order to avoid the identities of both authors and editors from being known. For this purpose, a document will be submitted with the author’s information and any references to this information included in the manuscript will be deleted (in both the text itself as well as the file properties).

Author Guidelines


Guidelines for Authors

Copyright Notice and Privacy Statement




Guidelines for Authors



All texts must be submitted through the platform. The author must include the following documents along with their original submission:

1. Manuscripts:

  • The texts must be original and unedited; they may be written in Spanish, Portuguese, English, French, or Italian.
  • To ensure a blind peer-review, in this document there will be no references made to the author. All possible  allusions towards the author must be removed from the text and the file properties. Instead, the document should be submitted with the title “Author Information” outlined in Section 2. More information available here.
  • The text must be submitted the form of a Microsoft Word (.doc), with the following characteristics: “Times New Roman” font size 12 and font size 10 points for notes, with a minimum of 35.000 characters with spaces  and with a maximum of 42,000 characters with spaces (including first page with titles, abstracts and keywords, text and footnotes). The length of the bibliography is included separately, and it must refer to the works cited in the article.
  • The title should be in lowercase (except for proper names) with a maximum of 115 characters with spaces. In both languages: Spanish and English.
  • The text must be accompanied by two abstracts, one in Spanish and the other in English. They should be 10 lines in length.
  • In addition, 6 keywords must be included that define the field of study and time period in both languages, separated by semicolon.
  • If the article is written in English, the title, abstract, and keywords will be adapted into Spanish.
  • The authors should declare all funding received for their research by listing the funding agency, program, and grant code in a footnote on the first page.
  • The titles of the section and subsection should be lowercase and numbered following a numerical sequence of: 1. /2. /2.1. /2.2. /3. /4….
  • The citations throughout the text will be placed in quotation marks without italics. When the citations are of 100 words or more, they will be placed in a separate paragraph without quotation marks or italics. This paragraph must have a left indentation and the text should be in a 10 point size font.
  • The notes must be included as footnotes in consecutive numbers, using “Times New Roman” font size 10 and following the previous guidelines. The bibliographic references will follow the Chicago Style Manual (see How to cite the bibliographic references).
  • The end of each article must include a list of bibliographic references, ordered alphabetically, including the publications cited in the footnotes. The Chicago Style guidelines must be followed (see How to cite the bibliographic references). At the end of the article there should be no notes added. You must indicate all references that include a DOI. Please refer to the following page: To do so, copy and paste the list of bibliographic references at the end of your article into the white box on the DOI Crossref page (remember, in the case that various references are listed under the same author/s name, substitute the three lines for their full name). Next, click "submit" for the DOIs to appear.
  • ATTENTION! We recommend consulting both the extensive brief manuals that the Atrio editorial team has provided in order to better understand the distinct features of all types of references, such as footnotes and the bibliography at the end of the article.
  • Throughout the text the superscript should always be placed in front of the punctuation marks. Some examples are:
    • … Chronicle of the Reality1. Particularly results in…
    • … for the historiography2, also…
    • “… sober and expressive”3. The group Rotgle…
  • The text will indicate each reference to an image, where it corresponds, in the following manner: (Fig.1).
  • All captions, tables, graphs, maps, etc. must follow these guidelines:
    • For sculptures and paintings: Fig. 1. Author (last name), Title of work (in italics), Year. Characteristics (separated by comma). Location, City. (Credit to the illustration). Examples:
      • Fig. 2. Natalia Goncharova, The Forest, 1913. Oil on canvas, 130 x 97 cm. Thyssen-Bornemisza National Museum, Madrid.
      • Fig. 3. Valeriano Bécquer, Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer Reading in the countryside, 1864. Drawing on yellowish paper, pencil sketch, 153 x 211 mm. Available in the digital Hispanic library,
    • For architectural works: Fig. 4. Architect (last name), Title of building, Year. Characteristics (separated by commas). Location. (Credits to the illustration). Example:
      • Fig. 5. Pedro Machuca, Palace of Carlos V, 1526. Granada. (Photography by Zara Ruiz Romero).
  • For all captions, tables, graphs, maps, etc. if not all of the previous data is available, another option is: Fig. 6. Description and characteristics of the artwork. (Credits of the illustration).
  • The research should fulfill Atrio’s Editorial practices regarding Gender Equality 
  • Consult this guideline to verify that the text complies with all standards.
  • To publish texts by an author, two issues must pass since their last publication in Atrio.


2. Author Information:

  • To ensure compliance with perceptive quality requirements, neither the manuscript itself nor the file properties should include any references to the author or any other mention of information that could compromise the blind peer-review process or reveal the author’s identity. Instead, a second document will be submitted including the title of the research proposal, the researcher’s full name, the university or organization that they belong to (in the following way: Institution, City, and Country), the author’s email and ORCID (for a brief manual for those without an ORCID ID click here).
  • If there are any co-authors, the authors must indicate their level of contribution in each phase of the research and composition of the manuscript in this document. To do this, it is recommended to follow the CrediT classifications listed here
  • In addition, a curriculum biography for each author must be provided in Spanish and English (10 lines in length).


3. Images

  • A maximum of 10 illustrations per article will be submitted; the submission of at least one image is mandatory. If the image is not the property of the author, one must request the necessary permission for its publication. The authors are responsible for obtaining the necessary licenses and the journal is exempt from any responsibility related to violation of legal rights of the author. This applies to any digital format for use (JPG, BMP or TIF) with a minimal resolution of 300 dpi.
  • The journal’s editorial department will determine if more illustrations are required on a case-by-case basis. Also, we reserve the right not to include low print quality images or to reduce the number of illustrations if they exceed the required submission limits (in this case, we will consult with the author which images should be eliminated).


4. Documentation for the Images

  • The submission must include a .doc or Word file including the images, illustrations, and arranged tables accompanied by their corresponding footnote. As in the case of the manuscript, this document must exclude any possible allusions of the author (both in the text and in the file properties).


5. Originality, Authorship, Transfer of Rights, and Liability Exclusions Agreement

  • All authors must declare their consent with each and every one of the points articulated in the Originality, Authorship, Transfer of Rights, and Liability Exclusions Agreement: Download the Agreement of Authorship.


Before submitting the manuscript, we ask the author to verify the Checklist for the Preparation of Submissions.  After you have fulfilled all the requirements, the researcher may continue the process of uploading all the required documents to the OJS platform. For any possible issues in the uploading process, consult the How to Upload an Article to the OJS Platform Manual.

Consult the Procedure for evaluation, acceptance and editing of articles, to find the following steps to take after uploading the manuscript to the platform.


          …FOR REVIEWS:

Reviews will consist of a total of 6,000 and 8,000 characters (including spaces) in the “Times New Roman” font size 12 and 1.15 spacing. The beginning of the document must include a collection of data for the book being reviewed, following the Chicago Style Manual guidelines:

  • Last name, Name. Title. City: Publisher, Year. [Total number of pages] p. ISBN.

At the end of the review, you must specify the complete name of the author, the University or organization they belong to (in the following manner: Institution, City, Country) and your ORCID (there is a manual on the web that explains how to obtain one).

Along with the text, an image of the book cover must be submitted in color and with an ideal resolution of 300 dpi. Both files will be forwarded through the Atrio journal’s OJS platform

In addition, you must submit the “Originality, Authorship, Transfer of Rights, and Liability Exclusions Agreement: Download the Agreement of Authorship.

Reference the following manual to understand the process of uploading documents.



Depending on the theme selected by the editors for each monographic dossier, the articles must meet all Atrio requirements and procedures for the submission and evaluation of manuscripts. In addition to the originals for the dossier, Atrio continues to evaluate texts for its annual publication.


We thank you in advance for following the requirements established in the Presentation of Originals Guidelines. Doing so not only accelerates the evaluation and editing process but facilitates the indexation of the journal in the main databases for each field of study. In turn, this allows for wider dissemination of the published works and, thus, benefits the authors and their institutions.

Before submitting the text, consult this guide to verify if it fulfills all the requirements.

For any questions or concerns, you may contact the journal editorial team at



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The data controller of the personal data provided for the journals to which Revistas UPO gives access is the journal Atrio. Revista de Historia del Arte. To consult additional and detailed information on data protection, please contact the journal Atrio. Revista de Historia del Arte at the address indicated in "about/contact".

You are also informed that the Universidad Pablo de Olavide acts as Data Processor for each of the files owned by the different journals. Therefore, the Universidad Pablo de Olavide, facilitates the exercise of their rights of access, rectification, deletion, limitation of processing, data portability, opposition and not to be subject to automated individual decisions, including profiling by contacting the headquarters of the Universidad Pablo de Olavide, located at Ctra. de Utrera, km. 1 41013, Seville (ES), or requesting it by email to the address, accompanied by proof of identity.

You can consult the legal notice and privacy policy of the Universidad Pablo de Olavide by clicking here.